Acupuncture involves the stimulation of specific points of the body. Acupuncturists use a variety of techniques, usually with sterile stainless-steel needles. Osher Center's licensed acupuncture team creates a personalized treatment plan for your unique needs.
Acupuncture is part of your integrative health plan. It uses time-tested concepts from Traditional Chinese Medicine to address symptoms and underlying causes of health issues. You can use acupuncture alone or with other methods such as conventional medicine and mind-body counseling. Adding acupuncture can help you achieve a complete and balanced approach to your health.
Why Choose Acupuncture at Vanderbilt
- Knowledge and experience
Our licensed acupuncturists have extensive training in Traditional Chinese Medicine and vast experience treating many medical conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety and depression. Our depth of experience translates into expert care for you.
- Comprehensive care
Therapies like acupuncture work alongside your traditional medical care. They strive to improve your total well-being — mind, body and spirit. Together, traditional and complementary treatments can help you better manage your overall health and enjoy a better quality of life.