Musculoskeletal MyHealth Bundles for Employers
Quality Care, Efficient Costs for Musculoskeletal Conditions
As an employer, you know musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are a major health care expense. The increasing prevalence of surgical procedures for spine, shoulders, hips and knees even among younger workers is putting the squeeze on your health care benefits. Do you have the right solution in place to ensure quality outcomes at the lowest possible cost for your workforce?
It's time to step it up.
MyHealth Bundles’ MSK offerings combine Vanderbilt Health’s world-class medical care with a reimagined approach that delivers a better experience for your employees at a lower cost, while ensuring appropriate care and a faster return to work.
The MySpineHealth Bundle covers three of the most common spine procedures:
- Cervical fusion
- Lumbar fusion
- Lumbar laminectomy
The MyOrthoHealth Bundles cover treatment for:
- Shoulder pain
- Osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
- Hip and knee surgery
Ready to learn more about this innovative health care benefit? Complete this form and MyHealth Bundles team member will contact you right away.
Make the Move to MSK Bundles
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Exceptional Care. Enhanced Experience. Lower Costs.
With MSK Bundles, you benefit from:
Sound decisions – Only patients who can truly benefit from surgery will be enrolled in a surgical bundle. Additionally, patients who are clinically qualified for surgery can avoid unnecessary treatments that won’t help their symptoms.
Streamlined patient journey – Total alignment of financial incentives and a redesigned care delivery model create a dramatically more convenient experience for your employees. This includes the elimination of care delays because of preauthorization requirements that are not clinically necessary.
No surprise billings – Our bundle offers predictable expenses for you and your employees. Everything is covered in a single price, including emergency room visits and hospital admissions following surgery, in the event those occur.
Concierge treatment - From assisting with surgery preparation and education to check-ins during physical therapy and recovery, our patient navigators will help your employees manage their care at every step of the process.
Exceptional results – We have a proven track record for increasing physical function, reducing pain and avoiding complications and readmissions. We also support fast recoveries, with 95 percent of employees returning to work within 90 days.
Complete this form to speak with a member of our team.
MyOrthoHealth Bundles Provide Passport for 'Trip of a Lifetime'
Why Vanderbilt?
- Clinical excellence – Our world-renowned surgical team consistently achieves high patient satisfaction scores and are leaders in clinical outcomes for metrics such as surgical site infections, readmissions and length of stay.
- Convenient locations – You can access our services at locations such as Belle Meade, Hendersonville, Franklin and on campus at Vanderbilt.
- Comprehensive approach – We have a multidisciplinary team and a wide range of resources available to support patients. We can make sure every individual gains access to the right level of care.
Let's Get Started
Are you ready for change?
If you're a patient, please visit our MyHealth Bundles patient page and schedule time with one of our patient navigators.
If you're an employer, email us at or call our sales team at (615) 421–0112 to learn more about how bundles work, our approach and the benefits of a direct partnership with Vanderbilt Health.
If you're a provider and need more information about a bundles patient, please contact our patient navigators at or call (615) 936–BNDL (2635).