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Spiritual Care at Vanderbilt University Hospital


At Vanderbilt Health, our chaplains offer spiritual and pastoral care to help you throughout your hospital stay. When you are experiencing helplessness, anxiety, grief, fear or even celebration, our chaplains are here to offer spiritual and emotional support, no matter what your spiritual path may be.

Our chaplains may not be of the same faith or tradition, but we can offer spiritual support and help you through a difficult period and provide guidance with end-of-life issues. Our chaplains can connect you with local faith-based groups and organizations that share in your beliefs. We can also assist you with a rite or ritual such as communion, baptism and sacrament of the sick, or anointing. 

You can request a chaplain by asking a member of your health care team, or calling the Spiritual and Pastoral Care team at (615) 343-3535. Chaplains are available in the hospital during daytime hours Monday through Friday and are on-call for emergencies on the weekends.

Chapel at Vanderbilt Hospital

The Rhea Chapel is available on the first floor of Vanderbilt Hospital 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You may use the chapel for prayer and meditation. We also have the following available for prayer support:

  • Bibles
  • Hebrew bibles
  • Quran
  • Book of Mormon
  • Prayer beads
  • Rosary
  • Prayer rugs
  • Candles (electronic)
  • Prayer box for prayer requests

Clinical Pastoral Education and Field Education

The Spiritual and Pastoral Care department at Vanderbilt Health serves as an education site for future chaplains and local religious leaders.

  • The department of Clinical Pastoral Education at Vanderbilt University Medical Center offers CPE extended units and year-long residency positions and is accredited by the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education. For inquiries, please call (615) 343-3537
  • We offer chaplain/pastoral internships for seminary or divinity school students interested in spiritual care in a hospital setting. This internship includes up to 10 hours per week of patient/family/staff care and supervision from a staff chaplain.