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Interpreter Services: Staff Information


Vanderbilt provides interpreters free of charge to patients in accordance with federal law. Please do not ask the patient to bring their own interpreter. This is against VUMC policy. Medical interpreters are highly skilled professionals with specialized training in interpretation technique, medical terminology and interpreter ethics.

Ask the patient if he or she needs an interpreter, and update the demographic information in the chart to reflect the patient’s language. If the patient doesn’t need an interpreter because they speak English fluently, change the patient language to English in the demographic section.

Ordering Services

When a Limited English Proficient patient schedules an appointment, Interpreter Services receives an automatic interpreter request. Call to schedule an interpreter only if you need one for a surgery, a procedure not scheduled through EPIC, or a last-minute request.

If you need an interpreter at any time, and an onsite interpreter is not available, call 2-7378, select option 2 and follow the prompts. Have your account/pin number ready. Or, call (866) 874-3972 and have your client ID ready. If you need an account/pin OR client ID, please contact 2-7378, then select option 1 during regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

If the patient cancels or reschedules an appointment, the interpreter will be cancelled automatically, and the new appointment will show up in our list of new requests. If an onsite interpreter isn’t available for the appointment, call a phone interpreter at 2-7378, select option 2, follow the prompts and have your account/pin number ready. Or, call (866) 874-3972 and have your client ID ready.

When an onsite interpreter isn’t available, it is mandatory that staff use a video or phone interpreter to serve our patients. Please do not make a patient wait for an onsite interpreter. As a reminder, we serve Spanish and Arabic only with onsite interpreters. Interpretation for all other languages, as well as overflow for Spanish and Arabic speakers, must be provided by video or phone.

Sign Language Interpreters

For services for the deaf and hard of hearing, email Bridges directly at, or call (615) 248-8828.

To contact a patient who is deaf by phone

Visit the Tennessee Relay Service website for instructions or call (800) 848-0299. Have the patient’s phone number available.

Onsite Interpreters: Spanish and Arabic

We offer onsite interpreters in Spanish and Arabic. When you schedule an appointment for an LEP patient, Interpreter Services receives an automatic interpreter request in EPIC. If you do not use EPIC, need to schedule a procedure or surgery, or have a last-minute request, email our director, (subject line should read “OTHER – my area doesn’t use EPIC") or call (615) 322-7378.

Spanish interpreters

Onsite interpreter pager/for use by inpatient staff:

Page (615) 835-9798 in Vanderbilt University Hospital 
Page (615) 835-0507 in Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt.
Main campus Spanish onsite hours of coverage  

Sunday: Noon to 12:30 a.m. 
Monday: 6:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. 
Tuesday: 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. 
Wednesday: 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. 
Thursday: 6:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. 
Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
Saturday: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. 

*Our staff interpreters are onsite in a limited capacity during regular business hours M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until further notice. If you have an exceptional request requiring onsite coverage, please contact the office during regular business hours to coordinate 2-7378 option 1.

One Hundred Oaks Spanish onsite hours of coverage 

Sunday: None 
Weekdays: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
Weekends: Use phone service 

*Onsite coverage is currently limited. If you have an exceptional request requiring onsite coverage, please contact the office during regular business hours to coordinate 2-7378 option 1.

Arabic interpreters

Onsite interpreter pager/for use by inpatient staff:
Page (615) 835-7676 

Main campus Arabic onsite hours of coverage 

Weekdays: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
Weekends: Use phone service 

One Hundred Oaks Arabic onsite hours of coverage 

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 
Tuesday, Thursday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
Weekends: Use phone service 

*Onsite coverage is currently limited. If you have an exceptional request requiring onsite coverage, please contact the office during regular business hours to coordinate 2-7378 option 1.

Telephone Interpreters: Any Other Languages

Interpreter Services provides 24-hour access to telephone interpreters. You must have your account number and pin from your badge card, or it will be listed on a phone in your clinical area.

  1. 2-7378 or (615) 322-7378, option 2 and follow prompts. Have your Language Line client ID or your Cyracom account/pin ready before you make your call in case a Spanish or Arabic speaking staff interpreter isn’t available.
  2. Direct dial Language Line (866) 874-3972
    • Adult inpatient – client ID 218443
    • Adult outpatient – client ID 218469
    • Pediatric inpatient & outpatient – client ID 218442
  3. Direct dial Cyracom (833) 687-3583 and have your account/pin ready. If you don’t know your account & pin and can’t locate it on phones or stickers in your clinical area, contact the Interpreter Services office during regular business hours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for more information.

If you need a language any time (including overnight hours) that Language Line and Cyracom can’t provide, please contact our director, Nadia Crank, at (615) 936-0837. If your request isn’t urgent, but needs attention on the next business day, email

Telephonic Interpreter Services: Wilson County

For services in Wilson County, please dial 844-903-2423 and follow prompts.

With questions or for more information, contact Nadia Crank at or (615) 936-0837.

Telephonic Interpreter Services: Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital (VWCH)

For services in VWCH, please dial 844-903-2423 and follow prompts.

With questions or for more information, contact Nadia Crank at or (615) 322-7378 option 1.

Telephonic Interpreter Services: Vanderbilt Tullahoma Harton Hospital (VTHH)

For services in VTHH, please dial 833-734-0353 and follow prompts.

With questions or for more information, contact Nadia Crank at or (615) 322-7378 option 1.

Telephonic Interpreter Services: Vanderbilt Bedford Hospital (VBH)

For services at VBH for inpatients, please dial 833-602-1738 and follow prompts. 

For services at VBH for outpatients, please dial 833-623-0787 and follow prompts.

With questions or for more information, contact Nadia Crank at or (615) 322-7378 option 1.

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